The need to describe something complicated for people to comprehend is a common practice in the situations where you’re speaking. The primary purpose behind explaining is to help others understand, there are times when you might find it is the longer you speak and explain, the more likely you are to lose your audience. The task of explaining isn’t easy because you must make sure it’s simple, simple to comprehend, and stimulating. Therefore having the ability to communicate the information clearly and effectively is an essential skill you should possess to be able to communicate more effectively. To help you be capable of expressing your thoughts succinctly and effectively no matter the subject matter it is in English There are some useful strategies, you can apply.
1. Find out what you are trying to accomplish
There are several reasons you’d need to elaborate. It might be to educate, inform or convince people. Whatever the reason remembering your goal when you explain will allow you to customize your explanation to suit your needs. If your goal is clearly defined to you, the easier it will be to convey your message because you will be able to identify the specific information you have to provide and the most effective way to present it.
2. Make sure you know your audience’s current levels of knowledge and understanding
Every person has a unique background and set of skills so, when you are explaining your ideas, it is essential to know the level of education your audience has and the worldview. Additionally, knowing your audience their current knowledge and their understanding of the topic will help you determine the most effective way to convey your message. Begin by examining the information they have already learned since people usually interpret concepts based on their own experiences. Understanding how much your audience already knows will help you to determine what you can skip and get into the most important aspects. To identify their current understanding, asking them questions before you begin explaining will assist.
3. Make sure you explain in a clear and simple manner
Although some might say you must explain your thoughts the same way as you would your child, it’s crucial to be aware that some might not be happy with this. When explaining, you must find the perfect balance and avoid extremes. Avoid making your explanation too straightforward or too complex. If you simplify your explanation the listeners might feel that you’re making them feel inferior and they will find it offensive. However, If you make your explanation too much, they could become even more confused. If you are explaining, remember that you’re explaining to people who aren’t knowledgeable. You can then simply explain the issue and stay on topic to be clear. At StudyCrumb, you can read examples of essays written in plain and simple language.
4. Explain using in simple terms
If you are explaining something, utilize familiar terms that are appropriate to the language proficiency of your listeners. If you employ unfamiliar terms, you might get them out of your explanation. Avoid jargon and technical terms because some of your audience might not be knowledgeable about the topic. While it is attractive to employ these terms to appear smart but you could confuse your listeners when you use these terms. Be aware that your goal in explaining your message is to help your audience know what you are saying. The ability to impress them will be achieved by the way you succinctly and concisely explained your message.
5. Define unfamiliar terms
There are times when it might be difficult to not use the words jargon, acronym, or abbreviation. If you must use them, ensure that your listeners can comprehend them. Offer definitions specifically for those with backgrounds that are different from yours. The explanation of such terms could be tedious boring, time-consuming, and divert attention away from the primary topic Therefore, it’s generally recommended to stay clear of making use of them in any way.
6. Condense ideas into manageable pieces
We tend to absorb information just a little at one time. We can become overwhelmed when we receive too much information at once. Therefore, when you talk about it, don’t discuss complicated topics too quickly, because your audience will get confused. Divide complex ideas into chunks until it becomes easy to convey. Split your thoughts and explain each concisely and clearly. After you’ve finished the first idea move on to the next one, and finally show the way each idea is integrated into the overall picture.
7. Use transitional phrases
Transition phrases can aid your audience in understanding the relationship between the information you explained in your presentation. These phrases indicate the order, sequence, and relationships that make your explanation coherent, and easy to comprehend.
A few of the phrases you can utilize are:
“The justification for …”
“One possibility could be that ….”
“Let me explain…”
“What do I mean by that? …”
“Let me explain it this way: …”
You can find more examples on the website
8. Be concise
The best way to present information is to ensure that you do not explain more than you’re necessary. Be aware that excessive explanations in any of these will confuse you. Beware of using long sentences and keep your content short so that it can be easy to comprehend. When people are listening to explanations, they often choose keywords. Therefore, it is essential to stay focused and convey what readers are looking for. Avoid words that could distract the reader from the point of discussion or be read differently.
9. Add details appropriately
Many may believe that giving lots of information in your explanation can help your audience understand the topic better, but it might be the reverse. The details from your background can make them overwhelmed and confused. When we view things in a complex manner, we can quickly forget information because we are unable to process and take in the information. When you are explaining, select the most important information and then eliminate unnecessary details. Make the effort to allow your audience plenty of time to digest the details. Introduce new information after having noticed that they have already comprehended and understood the previous. When you give them the time to process their thoughts, they can concentrate on each idea and consequently be able to retain it. If you offer them too many details, without allowing them to process them and process them, there’s no way to retain them.
10. Give specific information and facts
Avoid being vague and be more precise in the information you give. Be sure to explain with enough facts to ensure it is reliable. When you can make your explanation precise and precise, you’ll be able to prove your knowledge of the subject while also shedding the light on a complicated subject. What listeners do not require is an explanation that’s not nourishing and based on data. Therefore, it is essential to provide facts and not opinions when explaining. If you are presenting opinions instead of facts in your explanation could indicate that you are biased and less trustworthy.
11. Use analogies
To help you understand certain concepts to better understand certain concepts, you can employ simple analogies. When you use analogies, you are likely to make parallels. You can find similarities in different things. This allows you to explain a new concept and then compare it to an existing one. To do this, first identify the principle you wish to discuss, then pick an instance from your own life or everyday knowledge that illustrates this principle. Utilize shared experience with your example to ensure it is a hit with your audience.
12. Be attentive to nonverbal and verbal expression
Be aware of your listener’s facial expressions as well as the way they communicate when explaining. These are your comprehension checks. This way, you’ll be able to determine if they are confused or can comprehend your message. If you observe that they seem confused, modify the way you explain to help them to comprehend. The way they look at their expressions can aid you in determining if you have to slow down, go to the next step or allow them time to process the information that you have just shared.
13. Tell an interesting story
A story can be an effective method of explaining the subject since it allows you to incorporate emotion into the facts. Additionally, stories work because they can be relatable, especially when they show the person who is facing a problem or pain and helps them come up with an answer. Stories are ideal for explaining how concepts function in real life with real people. When using stories, ensure you think about the length at which you will tell the story, as well as the amount of information you’ll provide. Make sure that you don’t let the minor details of your story be the main central point of your explanation instead of the principal idea you’re explaining.
14. The causes and consequences are discussed
Effect and cause are among the most efficient and straightforward ways to communicate a complex concept. It is used to illustrate the interconnectedness and connection between things. It is often employed when explaining issues related to issues, solutions, and results. To do this, you must describe the current scenario or events that trigger various events, then give more details on the impact of these circumstances.
15. Use examples to illustrate
Giving examples is another method to make your message more understandable and easy to follow. If the examples you’ve included are similar to the experiences your audience members have been through and experienced, it will succeed. Situations and events that happen in real life can be compared which makes any explanation more understandable.
16. Make sure to ask questions to assess the if the listener is understanding
To determine if your audience takes your advice or follows it determine if they understand, and ask them to ask. In addition to confirming their comprehension by asking questions, it will allow you to gain your listeners’ attention in case you are unable to keep it, and also help them think about the matter. Help them see things in a new way by asking them a rhetorical query. It is also possible to engage them further by asking them open-ended questions. This will help them analyze the information you have shared with them, and provide precise answers. In the meantime, if they have questions, respond concisely. This will give you the chance to clarify your answer and fill in any gaps they might have.
The ability to communicate effectively is a skill you can improve and develop. It will allow you to improve your communication skills, whether it’s at work or in personal interactions with other people. If you follow the suggestions above you’ll be able to assist others to comprehend better.